Crossword Quiz on the Occasion of “National Constitution Day” on 26 November 2023.

Constitution day 2023


Organizer: The Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies (ICPS) is a premier research institute & Lok Sabha Secretariat PRIDE, Lok Sabha Secretariat University of Delhi Amity UniversityAryabhatta College, University of Delhi Indian Law Institute

The Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies (ICPS) is a premier research institute. It is headed by the Hon’ble Speaker, Lok Sabha who is ex-officio President of the Institute. The Institute was created with the objective of organising academic, research and training programmes in the fields of constitutional and parliamentary studies and thereby to serve as an amalgam of an advanced research centre in the twin fields as well as a vehicle for popular dissemination of democratic values.

 Crossword Quiz on the Occasion of “National Constitution Day” on 26 November, 2023

About the Quiz

  • Do not add spaces between the answers. For example, if the answer is ‘fundamental duties’ write ‘fundamentalduties’
  • The total marks awarded for the crossword is ten points. 
  • The participants with a score of 7 or above will receive a certificate of participation. 

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100% Correct Answers Here 

1. Who is the guardian of Fundamental Rights in India?
1 point
Your answer. Judiciary

2. How many Fundamental Duties are enshrined in the Indian Constitution?
1 point
Your answer. Eleven

3. Who is the official head of a state in India?
1 point
Your answer Governer

4. What is the introductory statement of the Constitution called?
1 point
Your answer. Preamble

5. Who is the custodian of the Indian Constitution?
1 point
Your answer.  President

6. Place where Original Handwritten Constitution kept in?
1 point
Your answer. Parliamentlibrary

7. Who calligraphed the Constitution of India?
1 point
Your answer. Premiumbehrinarajraizada

8. Term for making changes to the Constitution?
1 point
Your answer. Amendment

9. Who is known as the “Father of the Preamble”?
1 point
Your answer.  napalkhivala

10. Part of the Constitution that deals with Fundamental Rights?

Your answer.  Part3


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