1) What is disaster risk?
● The possibility of
something bad
● Combination of
hazard, exposure, and
● Sudden and calamitous events
● Emergency
2) Warning about disaster is convened through:
● Rodio network
● Television
● Phone
● All of the Above
3) An example of disaster risk mitigation is:
● Investing in risk
● Developing preventive measures for
reducing the likelihood
of risk
● Eliminating the cause of a rist
● All of the above
4) which region of the worid generated the highest
quantity ofe-waste in 2019?
● Europe
● North America
● Asia
● South America
5) Which have the following has the highest E-Waste
Recycling rates?
O Estonia
O Norway
O Iceland
O All of the above
6) What is TARGET G of the Sendai Framework for
Disaster Risk Reduction 2016-2030?
● Disaster Governance
● Availability of and
access to Early Warning
● National Disaster
● International
7) The objective of the Hyogo Framework for Action
● To substantially reduce disaster losses
● ldentify, assess
and monitor disaster
risks and enhance early
● Use knowledge, innovation and
education to build a
culture of safety and
resilience at allevels
● All of the above
8) This years “Worid Food Day” theme is:
● Leave no one : Better
production, better
nutrition a better
environment, and a
better life
● Grow, nourish
● Our Actions Are Our Future
● climate change
Climate is changing
Food and agriculture
must too
9) what are the main causes of growing food insecurity
across the world?
● Growing population
● Emergng
challenge of climate change
● Reduced agricultural production
across the globe
● All of the above
10) When is International E-waste Day celebrated?
● L4th October
● 16th October
● 14th November
● 16th November
11) when was the First Global Handwashing Day
celebrated in which 120 Million children Washed Their
Hands in more than 70 Countries?
● In 2016
● in 2019
● In 2008
● In 2014
12) What are the preventive measures to reduce disaster
in coastal areas?
● Ensure the safety
● Plant trees with the
of natural bariers like
strongest root systems
ke mangroves
● Early warning
systems and evacuation
mechanisms should be
strengthened and
activated at the earliest
● all of the Above
13) What are few prominent steps to tackle food security
across the globe?
● Adopt agro-ecology
● Practice more
organic faming
● Improve
productivity and value
addition to food
● All of the Above
14) Sustainable Development Goal 2 (sDo 2 or Global
.by 2030.
Goal 2) aims to achieve
● zero hunger
● Zero food waste
● Both A and B
● None
15) Basel Convention underlines to protect the
environment from:
● Transboundary
movements of electrical
and electronic waste
● International hazardous waste trade hazardous waste trade
● Recycle electrical
and electronic
● All of the Above