Organizer: PG & Research Department of Physics , T.B.M.L College, Porayar
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Assistant Professor
Organizing Secretary ,
PG & Research Department of Physics,
T.B.M.L.College Porayar ,(Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Trichirapalli),
Mayliaduthurai(Dt) ,Pin 609 607,Tamil Nadu.
Mail id : jothibas1980@gmail.com
Mobile : 99941 97383
- Nanomaterials are the materials with at least one dimension measuring less than _
2 points
- A material with one dimension in Nano range and the other two dimensions are large is called _*
2 points
Quantum wire
Quantum well
Quantum dot
3.The colour of the nano gold particles is _*
2 points
4.The melting point of particles in nano form _*
2 points
Remains same
Increases then decreases
5.The first talk about nano-technology was given by _*
2 points
a) Albert Einstein
b) Newton
c) Gordon E. Moore
d) Richard Feynman
- The initial tools used to help launch the nanoscience revolution were _*
2 points
a) Binoculars
b) Microscope
c) Scanning probe instruments
d) Interferometer
7.The size of atoms is nearly __*
2 points
a) 0.01 nm
b) 0.1 nm
c) 1 nm
d) 10 nm
8.The synthesized magnetic nano particles from _ have been found to self-arrange automatically.*
2 points
a) Zinc
b) Copper
c) Iron
d) Zirconium
9.___________is the field in which the nano particles are used with silica coated iron oxide.*
2 points
a) Magnetic applications
b) Electronics
c) Medical diagnosis
d) Structural and mechanical materials
10.Coating the nano crystals with the ceramics is carried that leads to __*
2 points
a) Corrosion
b) Corrosion resistant
c) Wear and tear
d) Soft
11.The extensively used nano particles as catalyst is_________*
2 points
a) Silver
b) Copper
c) Gold
d) Cerium
12.What is a buckyball?*
2 points
a)A carbon molecule (C60)
b) Nickname for Mercedes-Benz’s futuristic concept car (C111)
c)Plastic explosives nanoparticle (C4)
Id) Concrete nanoparticle with a compressive strength of 20 nanonewtons (C20)
13.Who first used the term nanotechnology*
2 points
a) Richard Feynman
b) Norio Taniquichi
c) Eric Drexler
d) Sumio Lijima
- A cut-off limit of human eye is …… nm*
2 points
15.By nano scale distribution of the _ in matrix improves the life and performance.*
2 points
a) Carbide
b) Tungsten
c) Hydrides
d) Nitrites
16.Nanotechnology, in other words is*
2 points
a) Carbon engendering’
b) Atomic engendering
c) Small technology
d) Microphysics
17.The most important property of nanomaterials is*
2 points
a) Force
b) Friction
c) Pressure
d) Temperature
18.Which of the following is an example of top-down approach for the preparation of nanomaterials?*
2 points
a) Gas phase agglomeration
b) Molecular self-assembly
c) Mechanical grinding
d) Molecular beam epitaxy
19.The properties like melting point, solubility, color, etc changes on varying the _
2 points
a) Size
b) Composition
c) Surface properties
d) None of the mentioned
- Quantum confinement results in _*
2 points
a) Energy gap in semiconductor is proportional to the inverse of the square root of the size
b) Energy gap in semiconductor is proportional to the inverse of the size
c) Energy gap in semiconductor is proportional to the square of size
d) Energy gap in semiconductor is proportional to the inverse of the square of size
21.Which of the following is the application of nanotechnology to food science and technology?*
2 points
a) Agriculture
b) Food safety and biosecurity
c) Product development
d) All of the mentioned
22.The efficiency of today’s best solar cell is about _*
2 points
a) 15-20%
b) 40%
c) 50%
d) 75%
23.Quantum dots can be used in _*
2 points
a) Crystallography
b) Optoelectronics
c) Mechanics
d) Quantum physics
24.Nanoscience can be studied with the help of …..*
2 points
a) Quantum mechanics
b) Nwetonion mechanics
c) Geophysics
d) Microdynamics
25.The nanomaterials are used light emitted electron luminescence device…*
2 points