Free Online Quiz on ‘Wonder Seeds’ with Certificate


World pulses day

Organizer : Museum of Sardar Patel University, Gujarat, India in association with SA Creations, India

Online Quiz ‘Wonder Seeds’ Based on ‘World Pulses Day’

About the Quiz

  • All Questions are based on general knowledge and importance of pulses in out diet.
  • The ‘Wonder Seeds’ Online Quiz consists of 20-MCQs – Multiple Choice Questions. Please read the instructions carefully before you answer the Questions. You will need to choose correct one from the given options.
  • Each question carries 5 points.
  • EVERY PARTICIPANT will receive an E-Certificate on email.
  • After submission of the Quiz, you will get your score instantly on screen by clicking the button “View Score”….
  • This is a purely fun-learn activity and If you wish, You can participate multiple time by using the same link to improve your score.
  • The best practice would be to take a [screenshot] of your score and share proudly on your social media accounts ….
  • All the best…
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100% Correct Answers Available Here

1. What is World Pulses Day?
A day to celebrate and eat Pulses food
A day to raise awareness about the importance of pulses in a healthy diet
A day to commemorate the discovery of pulses
A day to start plantation of pulses

2. What are Pulses?
They are non-edible seeds
They are edible seeds which are harvested and consumed
They are by-products of millets
They are harvested in wetlands

3. Pulses are seeds of which type of plants? 
Leguminous plants
Acacia Plants
Acorus Callimus Plant
Mangroves Plants

4. Which country is the largest producer of pulses?

5. Which state is the largest producer of pulses in India? 
Jammu & Kashmir

6. What are the benefits of consuming pulses?
They are high in protein and fibre
They are high in rubber and resin
They are high in sugar and spices
They are high in salt and pepper


7. Which type of pulse is most commonly consumed in India?
Pearl Millet

8. Which side effect is common due to consumption of pulses?
Head ace
Brain Tumour
Kidney failure
Bloating gas

9. How do pulses help in maintaining a healthy environment?
Encourages the use of chemical fertilizers
Promotes large scale deforestation
Reduces greenhouse gas emissions
Encourages the use of non-renewable resources

10. How do pulses contribute to food security?
Provides a sustainable source of protein and nutrition
Increases the dependency on imported food
Increases the availability of other food sources
Decreases the quality and quantity of food produced

11. Which of the following is a pulse crop?

12. Why pulses are an important part of a balanced diet?
They increase the risk of heart disease
They promote weight gain
They provide essential nutrients
They are high in unhealthy fats

13. How do pulses play a role in sustainable agriculture?
By increasing the soil degradation
By conserving soil fertility
By decreasing biodiversity
By minimising wildlife habitats

14. Which property of pulses helps improve soil fertility?
Pulses have hydrogen-fixing property
Pulses have nitrogen-fixing property
Pulses have hydro-carbon-fixing property
Pulses have sulphur-fixing property

15. What is the significance of pulses in meeting global food demands?
They are not at all important in meeting global food demands
They provide food security and reduce hunger
They have limited potential in meeting food demands
They are inferior source of food

16. How do pulses contribute to reduce the carbon footprint of agriculture?
Increases the use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions
Promotes the use of chemical fertilizers
Decreases the use of renewable energy sources
Reduces the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides

17. How do pulses help in food waste and food utilization?
Increases food waste and reduces food utilization
Having no impact on food waste and food utilization
Reduces food waste and increases food utilization
Increases the use of chemical fertilizers

18. What is the role of pulses in food diversity and traditional food systems?
Reduces food diversity and eliminates traditional food systems
Promotes food diversity and preserves traditional food systems
Encourages the use of strong pesticides
Creates no impact

19. How do pulses contribute in the environmental impact of food production?
Increases the environmental impact
Causes no environmental impact
Reduces the environmental impact
Encourages the use of fertilizers

20. How do pulses contribute to meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
Creates no impact on agriculture
Improves nutrition and ensuring sustainable agriculture
Hindering agricultural production
Encourages deforestation


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