About the Webinar
When: 13th January 2023 (Friday)
Timing: 03.00 pm to 06.00pm
Free Registration
Platform: Zoom
Provide : E Certificate
Registration will end on **Wednesday, 11 January 2023 at 11:59 pm**. The meeting details will be sent through your provided email address two (2) days before the actual date.
Expect the E-Certificates to be disseminated a couple of days after the program ends as you fulfilled to answer the post-evaluation form whose link will be posted before the program ends.**
**Limited slots only!
We’ll be having **Engr. Raniel Barte Taripe**as our keynote speaker to impart his notable knowledge in relation to data science. This would enlighten the participants to the valuable contribution that the aforementioned subject matter may confer in figuring out a business problem, acquisition and preparation of data, development of allegorical visualization to deploy the decision-making procedurals, and alike.
Hurry and join us! Invite others and register for free at