100% Correct Quizzes Answers
MS SQL Modules
SQL Operators
Join, Tables, and Variables
SQL Functions
SQL Views, Functions, and Stored Procedures
User-defined Functions
SQL Optimization
Advanced Transact-SQL Components
Programmability Objects
Database Concurrency
Database Objects
Performance Tuning
1) How many primary data file should be in a database?
2) What is the role of client communication manager?
Both 1 and 2
3) DDL contains which of the following statements?
4) Which is the type of database?
Both 1 and 2
5) What is the feature of client-server DB’s?
All of the above
6) Choose an identifier from the following options.
All of the above
7) DML contains which of the following statements?
All of the above
8) DCL contains which of the following statements?
1) What is the correct query to display all records from table record?
Select* from record
2) Which of the following statement is true about primary key?
Primary key cannot have null value
3) Which of the following statement is true about temporary table?
It will be available for a session.
4) What is the use of ORDER BY clause?
Both 1 and 2
5) Why foreign key is used?
To refer the primary key constraint of master table.
6) Which of the following is a part of group function?
All of the above
1) What is inner join?
It returns only those rows for which there is an equal value in the join column.
2) Which statement is true about self join?
We can join table itself to get the matching records by comparing record from two columns.
3) Which of the following statement is true about join?
All of the above
4) What is the correct syntax for union operator?
SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1 UNION SELECT column_name(s) FROM table2:
5) What will happen when we apply Intersect operator between A and B, where A=4, 5, 3,9 and 8-8, 7,4,5
1) Which of the following function will work on char data type?
2) Which function will return the current date and time?
Both 1 and 2
3) DATEPART function is
4) Which function will work on any data type?
5) What will be the output of the following? Select Replace (This is my bike’, ‘my, ‘car’)
This is car bike
6) What will be the output of the following Select floor (123.7456), ceiling (123.7456)
7) The Inline view is based on
FROM clause
8) Which of the following function will work on numeric data type and return a single value?
All of the above
9) What will be the output of the following?
Select len(RTRIM Abhi 7)
1) Which of the following are the types of view?
All of the above
2) What will happen when we do not specify particular row in a DELETE statement.
All the rows in the table will be removed
3) Subquery is also known as
4) Which of the following is not true about view?
It can have columns from only one table
5) Which of the following is true about subqueries?
Both 1 and 2
6) Which statement allow to modify data contained in the rows of a specified table
1) Which function is used to implement error handling?
2) What is the syntax to rename view?
sp_rename old_viewname,new_viewname
3) When we should use views?
defining a table without using extra storage
4) How many types of user defined functions are there in SQL?
5) Which of the following user defined function is an exceptional alternative to view?
Multi-statement Table-Value User-Defined Function
6) What will happen if a view is dropped?
the definition of the view and other informatt the view is deleted
7) Which function is used to return the error state number?
Both 1 and 2
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