Organizer: Department of Philosophy, Ok KCE Society’s Moolji Jaitha College (Autonomous)
About the Webinar
- When: 26th November 2022*l
- Time: 11 :00 AM to 12:30PM
- Free Registration
- The program will be organized in online mode.
- E-Certificate will be issued to all the registered participants through email after the webinar is over
Chief Guest: Prof. R. C. Sinha (Former Chairman, ICPR, New Delhi)
Guest of Honor: Prof. Jatashankar (President, Akhil Bhartiya Darshan Parishad)
Resource Person: Prof. Rishi Kant Pandey (Former Head Dept. of Philosophy, University of Allahabad)
Register link
Whatsapp Group: Join Here
Google meet link and YouTube link will be shared one day before the event.
Dr. Rajni Sinha,
Director, School of Human Values
Head, Department of Philosophy
Dr S.N. Barambhe,
Moolji Jaitha College, Autonomous, Jalgaon, Maharashtra