Online Quiz on Asteroid Day 2024 with Certificate

Online Quiz Asteroid Day 2024 with Certificate

Organizer : Vigyan Setu Foundation Bridging Science & Society 

Online Quiz on World Asteroid Day 2024

About the Quiz

  • Start Date : 30 June 2024
  • Free Participants
  • Those scoring thirty percent or more will receive an e-Certificate
  • If you passed you will receive a printable certificate shortly.
  • This Quiz is our edeavour  to reach out to one and all raising awareness about these Planetoids.

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Asteroid Day is a UN-sanctioned global awareness campaign participated annually on 30 June with a mission to inspire, engage and educate the public about asteroids opportunities and risks. Asteroid Day events are held around the world largely independently organized by museums, space agencies, universities, clubs and enthusiastic educators around the world for people of all ages and mostly free-of-charge. Events range from lectures and to short story contests to live concerts and broader community events. Learn more about hosting Asteroid Day events.

100% Correct Answers Available Here 

The first asteroid, 1 Ceres, was discovered on Jan 1, 1801. Who discovered it?

1 point

Giuseppe Piazzi

Edwin Hubble

WIlliam Hershel

Isaac Newton

Asteroids are sometimes called by which of these names?

1 point

The are not called anything else

Small stars



The main asteroid belt is situated between which heavenly bodies?

1 point

Earth and Mars

Mars and Jupiter

Jupiter and Saturn

Sun and Mercury

What asteroid is dog-bone shaped?

1 point

10 Hygiea

216 Kleopatra

15 Eunomia

1566 Icarus

The Galileo spacecraft had encounters with two asteroids while en route to Jupiter. What are the names of the asteroids?

1 point

243 Ida and 951 Gaspra

2212 Hephaistos and 511 Davida

2062 Aten and 4 Vesta

52 Europa and 911 Agamemnon

Which asteroid was discovered to have its own satellite?

1 point

951 Gaspra

3 Juno

433 Eros

243 Ida

Between the main concentrations of asteroids in the main belt are relatively empty regions known as which of these?

1 point

Cassini’s division

Kuiper belt

Van Allen belts

Kirkwood gaps

What asteroid is believed to be associated with a meteor shower?

1 point

3200 Phaethon

2060 Chiron

3554 Amun

None of the above

The majority of asteroids fall into which three categories?

1 point

C-type; S-type and M-type

R-type, S-type and C-type

Type 1, 2 and 3

C-type, H-type and L-type

If all of the known asteroids were lumped together, they would make a planet bigger than Jupiter.

1 point



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