Online Quiz on National Education Policy 2023 with E-Certificate

National Education Policy

Organizer : The Central Library

The Central Library is thrilled to be part of the observance of World Urdu Day and National Education Day, highlighting the role of libraries in promoting education, language, and culture.

National Education Policy

Table of Contents

About the Quiz

  • Date : 10th November 2023
  • End : 20th November, 2023
  • All questions are compulsory.
  • If you score more than 50%, you will receive a digital certificate on your registered email ID by November 20th
  • Open to all participants,
  •  no registration fees.

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1. What is sustainable development goal 4 – SDG4?


Inclusive education for all

Inclusive and equitable quality education for all

Ensure inclusive

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education to promote life long learning opportunity for all

2. Use of Technology and digital education should be used as alternative mode of education




3. What is the full form of NCF?


National Curriculum Framework

National Classroom Framework

National Curriculum Frame

National Classroom Frame

4. What is the full form of NCERT.


National Course of Educational Research and Training

National Course of Education Remark and Training

National Council of Educational Research and Training

National Council of Educational Restructuring and Training

5. What is the full form of SCERT.


State Course of Educational Research and Training

State Course of Education Remark and Training

State Council of Educational Research and Training

State Council of Educational Restructuring and Training

6. What is the full form of RTE.


Right To Earn

Right to Education

Remark To Education

Remark To Earn


7. As per NEP which grades are included in RTE Act?


Pre primary

Grade 9-12

8. The middle age i.e. Grade 6,7 and 8 will comprise 3 stages of education which will focus on ___________________.


reading, writing, speaking and physical education

focus on more abstract concepts in each subject that student will be ready at this stage across science, mathematics, arts, social sciences and humanities.
9. As per NEP grade 1 & 2 is now part of pre-primary.





10. What is the teaching methodology for grade 1 & 2 ?

1 point

Formal education with reading and writing through experiential learning.

Informal manners same as the methodology used to teach pre-primary students

11. What do yo mean by hybrid education system?

1 point

Students can take the aid of the teachers pre-recorded videos of different subjects and discussions of the topic in the class, solve the problem and ask doubts to the teacher.

Teachers use digital and multimedia tools in class by using ICT.

12. NEP suggest to reduce the syllabus.

1 point



13. National education policy suggest to Educational Institute to develop digital virtual library and virtual science laboratory for student and teachers.

1 point



14. What is full form of NETF

1 point

National Educational Technology Facility

National Educational Teacher Faculty

National Educational Teacher Forum

National Educational Technology Forum

15. Teacher should know local language of the region where the school is situated.

1 point



16. The teachers dealing with CWSN should be trained and certified as per the norms

1 point



17. What is full form of NIPUN BHARAT?

1 point

National Initiative for Perfect in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy

National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy

National Interactive for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numbers

18. What is the objective of NIPUN BHARAT?

1 point

Universal foundational literacy and numeracy

Universal foundational literacy and numeracy in primary school by 2025

19. What is the full form of ECCE?

1 point

Early Childhood Curricular and Educator

Early Childhood Care and Education

Early Childhood Class and Educator

20. What does fine motor skills mean?

1 point

Fine motor skills involve the coordination of small muscles usually in the hands and fingers to perform tasks that required precision and control

Fine motor skills involve muscles required for writing skills

21. We celebrate National Education Day as birth anniversary of _________.

1 point

Maulana Abdul Kalam

Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam

J. P. Naik

22. What was Savitribai Phule known for?

1 point

First woman Doctor in India

Firtst woman Teacher in India

First woman Astronaut in India

23. The ECCE program includes guidelines for parents of children aged 0 to 3 years.*

1 point



24. What do we mean by learning outcome?*

1 point

Understand or be able to do after completing a particular educational activity.

To know in class and deliver in exam

25. Vocational education is an integral part of higher education.*

1 point



26. What is the purpose of evidence based learning?*

1 point

inculcate scientific temper and rational thinking

inculcate experimental thought processes

27. Who was the chief person of NEP?*

1 point

Dr. Mudliyar

Dr. Kasturi Rangan

Dr. Kasturi Ramanujan

28. What is the main objective of the National Education Policy 2020?*

1 point

to improve the quality of education in schools and colleges

to promote equal opportunities in education for all students

to increase enrollment in higher education institutes

to enhance vocational training programs for skill development

29. According to the National Education Policy 2020, what is the recommended medium of instruction for primary education?*

1 point

mother tongue or regional language

English language

Hindi language

Any language as per the preference of schools

30. How many years of schooling does the National Education Policy 2020 aim to provide children in the foundational stage?*

1 point

3 Years

4 Years

5 Years

6 Years

31. Which of the following is NOT a key feature of the National Education Policy 2020?*

1 point

Emphasis on holistic and multidisciplinary education

Encouragement of vocational education and skill development

Introduction of a common entrance examination for all higher education institutions

Integration of technology for improved learning outcomes

32.   What is the full form of ABC as per the NEP 2020?*

1 point

Academic Basic Certificate

Annual Basic Certificate

Annual Bank of Credit

Academic Bank of Credit

33. NEP 2020 emphasizes promoting multilingualism and the use of:*

1 point

English as the medium of instruction

Only Hindi as the medium of instruction

Indian languages as the medium of instruction

Regional languages as the medium of instruction

34. What is the proposed Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) for higher education in NEP 2020?*

1 point





35. Which body will regulate the standards in higher education according to NEP 2020?*

1 point





36. What is the role of the National Educational Technology Forum (NETF) established in NEP 2020?*

1 point

Teacher recruitment

Curriculum development

Technology integration in education

Assessment and evaluation

37. National Education Policy 2020 proposes pedagogical shift from ______________ to ____________?*

1 point

Constructivism: behaviorism

rote learning: conceptual understanding

Inquiry based learning: drill and practice

Assessment for learning: assessment of learning

38. Which of the following has NOT been promoted by National Education Policy 2020 in context of education of students with disabilities?

1 point

Appropriate infrastructure

One-on-one teachers and tutors

Compulsory Special Education

Suitable technological intervention

39. The new education policy is based on pillars, how many pillars does NEP-2020 have?*

1 point





40. NEP 2020 recommends that the Government of India will constitute a ‘Fund’ to build the nation’s capacity to provide equitable quality education for all girls as well as transgender students. What will be the name of the fund?*

1 point

‘Gender-Education Fund’

‘Gender-Promotion Fund’

Gender-Inclusion Fund’

‘Gender-Employment Fund’

41. According to NEP 2020, a practice-based curriculum for Grades 6-8 will be appropriately designed by NCERT. What will be the name of practice-based curriculum?*

1 point





42. Which Indian language mentioned in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India, will be offered at all levels of school and higher education as an important, enriching option for students, including as an option in the three-language formula.*

1 point





43. How much annual grant will be provided to the NRF autonomy to set its own finances, governance rules, and statutes?*

1 point

5000 crores

10000 crores

15000 crores

20000 crores

44. Departments of Education/Centres of Excellence in Teacher Education will be set up at interested universities based on predictive data analysis on the requirements for teachers in school and higher education and the corresponding faculty for teacher education.*

1 point



45. How many courses PhD entrants will be required  in teaching/ education/ pedagogy related to their chosen PhD subject, during their doctoral training period.*

1 point

3 credit courses

4 credit courses

8 credit courses

12 credit courses

46. ODL must play a significant role in increasing GER to*

1 point

10 %

20 %

50 %

25 %

47. All HEIs will have complete autonomy on curricular, pedagogical, and assessment- and resource-related (including qualification of faculty) matters.*

1 point



48. From below option who will undertake the systematic brand building exercise for attracting students from abroad*

1 point



Indian HEIs

All the above

49. Indian students need to have ‘a global immersion’ experience through short-duration visits to reputed universities abroad.*

1 point



50. As per the state level plan the facilities and resources of colleges that do not develop into Type 3 HEIs by 2032 will be optimally utilized for*

1 point

Adult Education Centers

Public Libraries

Vocational education facilities

All the above


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