From Detection to Recovery: A Comprehensive Approach to Cyber Resilience
About the Webinar
- Date : Fri, Feb 9, 2024
- Time : 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM IST
- Free Registration
The present-day cybersecurity primarily focuses on developing cyber resilience for businesses, i.e., strengthening an organization’s ability to prepare, respond, and recover from cyberattacks. Detection is the first line of defense, involving robust monitoring systems, anomaly identification, and incorporating threat intelligence. Detection of potential breaches is critical for facilitating timely intervention. However, security resilience must go beyond mere detection to encompass effective response, containment, and recovery processes. The true measure of an organization’s resilience lies in its ability to sustain business operations without significant disruption, even after a security incident. Thus, Cyber resilience demands a culture of awareness and education among employees alongside technology implementation. This upcoming webinar aims to delve into understanding the performance of a comprehensive cyber resilience strategy encompassing collaboration across organizational functions, advanced technologies, and continuous learning from evolving threat landscapes.
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Speaker- Happy Amon, Cybersecurity Consultant and Co-Founder of Bit Dimension Pty Ltd (Botswana)